Parent Information

  • We offer the following sessions in term time:·

    Monday 8.30am - 1pm

    Tuesday 8.30am - 3pm

    Wednesday 8.30am - 3pm

    Friday 8.30am - 12pm

    Children can be dropped off at 8.30am or 9am and collected at 12pm or at 1pm if they would like to stay for lunch on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

    We also offer an afternoon session until 3pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

    The Friday session finishes at 12pm for all children.

  • Bathampton Preschool Playgroup Termly Invoices

    All attending children’s families will receive termly invoices via email. Invoices will list your funded hours entitlement, non funded hours due, consumables charged and any additional learning experiences (eg. Local farm trips, theatre trips if applicable).


    Our basic costs are primarily met by the ‘Early Years Entitlement’ grant we receive from BANES. The rate we receive from BANES for 3 and 4 year olds is currently £5.27 per hour. For funded 2 year olds we receive £7.50 per hour.

    In line with other Pre-Schools, we find that this funding is insufficient to cover our costs.

    We ask parents/carers for a consumables charge of £2.00 per EYE funded hour. For example, for a child attending the full 15 funded hours per week, we charge £30 per week. If you believe you may have difficulty in paying this charge then please speak to us as you may be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).

    For more information about funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, please visit the Childcare Choices website


    £7.50 per hour for non funded hours.

    We do also charge an administration fee to add your child to our records. This is a £30 non refundable charge to accompany your registration form.

    Our non-funded charges are reviewed throughout the year by our committee.

    You may be able to access additional support for fee’s via the government childcare choices website.

  • Playgroup is for children aged 2.5 to 5 years old. To register your interest please get in touch.

  • We were pleased to be rated 'good' at our last inspection by Ofsted with children's behaviour assessed as outstanding. This inspection took place in April 2023 and you can read the report here: 2023 Ofsted Report.

  • We have strong links to the local primary schools in Bathampton and Batheaston.

    In the summer term, the reception teachers from each school will come to visit the preschool children at Playgroup so that they can get to know each other. Our preschool teachers will provide detailed moving onto school forms about each child to ease the transition when they start school in September.

    Bathampton Primary School also allow us to attend forest school sessions at the school during the summer term. This helps the children to become familiar with the school grounds and setting.

  • Making a complaint

    At Playgroup we are committed to providing the highest standards of early years education and care for all our children. We hope that you and your child have a positive experience during your time here. If you are unhappy about any aspect of Playgroup please talk to the Playgroup Leader in the first instance. We welcome your feedback and want to make sure that we can correct any issues as quickly as possible.

    If there are any issues that you feel unable to discuss or resolve with the Playgroup Leader then you can make a complaint in writing to the Committee Chairperson by completing a Complaints form. Any parent who makes a complaint is entitled to a written response within 28 days.

    Legislation requires settings to keep a record of complaints and disclose these to Ofsted at inspection, or if requested by Ofsted at any other time. This written summary is available to parents on request.

    Complaints Policy

    Complaints Form